sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award/Selinho "Versatile Blogger"

Olá meninas...espero que esteja tudo bem. Eu hoje estou um pouco, desanimada, talvez por ser sexta-feira 13, não sei, mas tenho um post muito especial para fazer. Eu recebi um selinho, das meninas do blog Mateji ustvarjata e portanto tenho de fazer a TAG, porque eu adoro estas meninas. Espero que gostem e que as 5 pessoas sofredoras a quem eu passar façam.

Hello everyone...hope you're OK, I am feeling a bit down, maybe because it is Friday the 13th, but I have received an award TAG from the girls from Mateji ustvarjata , and since they are just amazing I have to do it. Hope you all like it, and the people I pass it to do it.

From now on this post will be fully in English for simplicity purposes. So this is the TAG
These are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. State 7 interesting facts about yourself.
3. Nominate 15 of your favorite bloggers.

So...thank you girls! I really appreciate to be the first on the list xD

And now... you really want to know 7 facts about me? Here we go!
  1. I can't ride a bike if it saves my life, I never even tried without training wheels. I used to kinda be able to skate though.
  2. I am afraid of the ocean, even though I had swimming classes the whole of my childhood.
  3. I speak Portuguese and English fluently, I like to think I can kinda speak German, I can understand French but again, couldn't speak to save my life. I am fascinated by Eastern languages.
  4. When I was younger, I used to dream of going to Uni in Australia.
  5. My favourite make up brands are probably Too Faced and Illamasqua, even though I tend to buy a lot more from MAC.
  6. The first youtube beauty video I saw was from beautyvrush, and it was on Rihanna's Rated R album cover make up.
  7. Someone's speaking badly about me right now, because my left ear is on fire.
And finally, 15 lucky winners (actually 16 because I want to pass it to two people that might not do it):
  1. Jessica French
  2. Fashion and Cookies
  3. Andy
  4. Mia Purpurina
  5. AndreiaC
  6. Cátia Alves
  7. Imperfect Mind
  8. Tha Kitty
  9. Melinha
  10. Makeup by Sara B.
  11. Inês Chaiça
  12. True Undertone (Sorry neste momento não me lembro do teu nome do blogger =P)
  13. Liliana Pinto
  14. Sweetcita
  15. Sweet Rainbow Channel
  16. Raquel Mendes
See ya!


9 comentários:

  1. Nunca percebi isto dos selinhos xD
    Para que servem?? =)


  2. You had to be 1st, you are our most loyal reader and you comment almost every post! :)
    Oh fact nr. 1 is probably true for me too, since I haven't been on a bike since 6th or 7th grade. :D

  3. looooooooooool achei engraçado xD
    vou fazer :DDD
    bigadaaa *-*


  4. Ola Tehteh!

    Obrigada por me escolher, mas eu sou sincera e digo já que não tenho paciência para tags, selinhos, correntes e coisas parecidas, mas não deixo de ficar agradecida!

    A Liz Earle é muito acessível e a pessoa de contacto é super querida, e ela que escolhe o que nos envia.


  5. Que querida +.+
    Eu sou mais para o francês, espanhol e italiano xD inglês vou percebendo lol é bom saber coisinhas sobre as pessoas que contactamos diariamente :)


  6. ahah :P
    por acaso ate parecem palitos :DD
    os mostruarios sao todos iguais, mas uns sao transparentes outros sao naturais com uma corzinha, pintas como pintas as unhas,e assim quando queres usar um verniz ves como vai ficar :D

  7. Obrigada por me escolheres! já meti o selinho no blog ^^
