segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012

Review; Liz Earle Cleanse&Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser Starter Kit

Boa tarde meninas! Espero que esteja tudo bem...Também espero que não estejam a ficar fartas desta minha recente tendência para os posts programados e comentários um pouco fora de horas, mas eu tenho de aproveitar estes dias para sair, e esta acaba por ser a melhor solução para ir deixando o blog actualizado. Eu fui ao cinema, por isso amanhã se tudo correr bem deve haver post sobre o filme, e talvez haja look do dia, ao fecho da emissão ainda não sei se estarei maquilhada haha.

Eu hoje trago-vos a review do Cleanse & Polish da que me foi enviado pela Liz Earle, e eu prometi à senhora com quem contactei que fazia em inglês para que ela pudesse ler, por isso agora vou mudar de língua.
The Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser is a cleanser/makeup remover and exfoliator, and in this case comes in this lovely pouch, which I think is great to keep it higienic and also for travelling, as well as giving it a nice, luxurious touch.
The kit comes with a cleanser, 2 pure muslim cloths and an instructions card. The cleanser has 100ml of product which I think is a very nice size. It can be bought online from their website and retails for 13,75£ (about 16,50€) plus shipping, I expect, which might sound a bit pricy but it is a big size of products and you get two cloths and the pouch.
As for the cleanser itself, it makes really big claims. It is mostly natural, it promises clearer skin, and to remove all your make up and a lot of things. I must say I was pretty skeptical, but it mostly delivers.
It is a cream cleanser, which is something I really like, because I don't like something that feels like soap on your face, and it straight up smells like eucalyptus. It is rather thick on your hands...I feel like it kind of resembles shaving cream in a way...then it becomes very creamy and lightweight when it comes into contact with your slightly wet face.

It does remove a lot of makeup. It removes all your face makeup in one swipe and most eye makeup in a couple. It does remove waterproof pencil and shadow, and also regular mascara. It does not remove waterproof mascara completely, though. It removes more than usual, and it does not hurt your eyes what so ever, but is does not remove it all.
As for exfoliating, I reckon it might have more to do with the muslin cloths than anything else. I love these. They are light, but durable (I think I've been doing this for like 3 weeks and I havent even broken the second one out.), they are rough enough to be exfoliating, but still soft and gentle on the skin.
I always use the Cleanse and Polish before I do a face mask, so that it exfoliates a bit, and I find it works very nicely, and it does activate the circulation, because I find my face a little more rosy after, but not irritated, just more rosy.

I also find, and it might not be by chance, that my skin is almost flawless these past weeks. It had been getting better for a few months now, but these weeks I barely even get any spots at all, and this is the only really product. Also I know it has exfoliating and acne combating ingredients in it, so I wouldn't be surprised.

In short:
  • Removes makeup - mostly true
  • Exfoliates skin - check
  • Boost of radiance - I guess, I don't really look that closely
  • Skin clearing - check
  • Calming- check
Do I recomend this? I'm not sure I would buy it online for myself, cause it comes up quite expensive, but if I get a chance to ask someone to get one for me, yes I will.

Final grade: 17/20 (because it doesn't take my waterproof mascara off and because it isn't easily avaliable here only)

Até logo meninas!!


4 comentários:

  1. Obrigada linda ^^

    eu também uso ese produto e gosto bastante para tirar a maquilhagem :)

  2. estou a usar e estou a gostar desse produto... beijinhs

  3. Devem ser ótimos, gostei da review!

  4. Eu também já tive a oportunidade de experimentar esse produto e adoro o cheiro e como tira facilmente a maquilhagem, mas em termos de ser óptimo para borbulhas e pontos negros como algumas meninas diziam, na minha pele não resultou nada xD Só serviu mesmo de limpeza e desmaquilhante, o que já é muito bom :)
    Outra coisa que não gostei muito é que depois a maquilhagem que ficava nos paninhos era muito difícil de tirar =(
