domingo, 27 de novembro de 2011

Finally it happened...and Team Austria strikes again!

So...I guess Kuusamo came and went. All in a matter of hours. Kinda disappointing, and hard to keep up with. I completely missed the Team Comp, for example.

As for the actual individual comp...same old,  same old. The Austrians and the podium. Subtle change though. This man was first.
Congrats Andi Kofler! Hopefully at least between the Austrians there will be some more competition!

As for anything else...not much has changed. The Finnish boys still pretty much suck (*sad face*), the Germans are still improving and everyone else was overwhelmed,  including the good old Polish men.

Now, since I'm SUCH a girl, this is what I noticed the most.
Schlieri  cut his hair. Ever so slightly,  but he did. I'll miss the tail coming out of his hat or helmet.

TEAM AUSTRIA HAS NEW BEANIES!!!! (Besides Wolfi, poor guy, bad sponsors). I could swear Gregor's blue one is the same one as last year's. But Morgi has finally left the birds' nest. And I loooooooooove it!!! And I think I might like Kofi's new head gear...but I need to have more time looking at it...

I'm guessing it is a good thing we dont have Eisbar in here...

So, SJ is back next week in Norway...let's hope that's less windy...=P


PS: Comunicado do Sporting sobre as condições na Luz. Completamente apoiado!

2 comentários:

  1. Ola Teh Teh :)
    Gostei muito do colar :D
    A tua amiga ia com certeza adorar, é muito giro =)
